Frequently Asked Questions

To register for thibbun nabawi herbal product certification, you need to create an account first by visiting the registration page and fill in the form with the required information. After that, follow the steps provided to confirm your account. If you need further assistance, visit the help page for a registration guide.

Herbal products that can be registered for thibbun nabawi herbal product certification include honey, dates, glutinous rice, watermelon, eggplant, figs, wheat, garlic, black cumin, celery, basil, pomegranate, olives, raisins, ginger, soybeans, and many other herbal products that can be registered for thibbun nabawi herbal certification.

The herbal product certification procedure begins with:

  1. Preparation Stages of Herbal Product Certification Submission Documents (legal and administrative documents, BPOM permits and halal certificates)
  2. Submission of Thibbun Nabawi herbal product certification
  3. Document Adequacy Inspection Audit by LSPro
  4. Product Conformity Inspection Audit with standards
  5. Thibbun Nabawi Herbal Product Fatwa Session by MUI
  6. Issuance of Thibbun Nabawi Herbal Product Certificate

The documents required to apply for herbal product certification include:

  • Business Identification Number (NIB)
  • Brand Registration Certificate
  • Quality Assurance Statement Letter according to Thibbun Nabawi provisions
  • Personal data of the applicant and producer information
  • List of certified products
  • and several other technical requirements.

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